Browns Educational Consultants provides results-driven school placement services, college placement services, educational advising, tutoring and test preparation.
Our mission at Browns Educational Consultants is to help students reach their optimal learning potential by gaining access into the right colleges, independent day, or boarding schools.
“Our boys couldn’t be happier, and they are each loving their schools. Thank you again for all your help and guidance. I am always happy to point people in your direction.”
-Parent of a student at Greens Farms Academy and Greenwich Country Day School
“Thank you for helping me with my college list and then with my applications and essay. I felt much better after our meetings and I am so excited to start University of Richmond this fall.”
-Student who attends University of Richmond
“We are so grateful for your attention and care with helping Michelle explore boarding schools and the entire application process. She is thrilled to be attending Choate.”
-Parent of a Choate student
Schedule a 20-minute Complimentary Educational Advising Session with Robin and Jim
© 2023 · Browns Educational Consultants · [email protected] · [email protected] ·
19 East Elm Street, Greenwich, CT 06830 · 203-661-2483